Thursday, October 31, 2019
Law of Criminal Evidence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Law of Criminal Evidence - Essay Example This right is based on the Latin maxim nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare (no man is bound to accuse himself’). This principle is found, explicitly or by convention, in many of the worlds legal systems including England and wales. (Murphy, P Murphy) Criminal justice and Public Order,1994, section 38, provides that no conviction shall be based wholly on silence of the accused. Furthermore, though not explicitly found in Europpean Convention of Human Rights, (Dennis, I H ,2002) still in the rulings of Europan Court of Human Right, right ot keep silence is maintained. ( Murray v. UK. 1996) It is therefore, found that Imtiaz’s silence during pre-trial period is based on his legal right and will not esteblish any offence against him. For this purpose, the prosecution can not equate his silence to his confession in a court of law. In order to esteblish any guilt, prosecution shall have to maintain his case beyond admission during custody and the case should be suported by the evi dence. To keep silence in pre-trail inquiry by police is an esteblished right of the accused. He may maintain his position even when there is no advice by his solisitor or his solicitor advices against silence. It is found in this case that the accused Imtiaz had kept silence on advice of his solisitor and he also mentioned the same in his statement. However, he did not mention any reason for the same. Now, would there be a change in situation and legal consequences on the ground that accused had given any reason for solicitor’s advice? To be very simple, it must be seen in view of accused’s right. Accused is not bound by the advice of his solicitor as in the case of co-accused, Shannan, who refused to have a solicitor altogather and gave her statement. Solicitor is supposed to guide you as per law and no advice against the law of the land is expected from a legal counsel. In this case, too, the advice by Imtiaz’s solicitor is based on
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT - Coursework Example In this entire period, the Canadian Aluminum company shifted its strategies from immediate to deliberate strategies. However, its external factors were very influential on the decisions made. As the company continued centralizing its structures, it relied on deliberate strategies. The authors have a high credibility in that, they are attempting to evaluate whether the growth of a company depends on either deliberate or emergent strategy. Their credibility is evident since they try to apply what Henry Mintzberg had already introduced. Other scholars have reviewed the source of their information. In their findings, they disclose that emergent and deliberate strategies vary in their continuum. The authors research and findings support the research topic, that their exist similarities and differences between the emergent and the deliberate strategies. I endorse their conclusion on the ground that, the two strategies cannot be equally exclusive since either occurs because of varied factor s. Mintzberg, H., Waters, A. J, 1985, Of Strategies, Deliberate and Emergent: John Wiley & Sons, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. ... The article is relevant to the research topic since it supports that there is a sharp dichotomy between the deliberate and emergent strategies. Some of the features that I consider useful in supporting the research topic is when the authors confirms that the two strategies are like two end points of a scale upon which the organizations base their strategies. In presenting their credibility, the authors come up with a notion that and some other fundamental issues linked to strategic decisions. In their conclusion, they disclose the various types of strategies that concealed in research. In extent, these may compromise the validity and reliability of their research since most of the strategies unearthed are not peer reviewed. The strategies uncovered in research include; planned, entrepreneurial, ideological, umbrella, process, unconnected, consensus and imposed strategies. Even though, I support their research that there is a great comparison between the emergent and deliberate strate gies, I am not quite certain about the other strategies they introduce and consider that they also vary. Mintzberg, H, 1990, Design School: Reconsidering the Basic Premises of Strategic Management, John Wiley & Sons, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 3 (Mar. - Apr., 1990), pp. 171-195. Accessed: 30/07/2010 04:57. Web: Retrieved from: Among the opinions held by particular groups on the formation of strategy, there is one that lies beneath the descriptions in the area of study, and that is the design school. The main purpose of this paper is to suggest on a simple model, which evaluates the process, as a design to accomplish a fundamental anchor between
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Three Abrahamic Religions
The Three Abrahamic Religions The three Abrahamic Religions do have some things in common, such as the belief that there is only one God, but they have some differences too. Beliefs in profits, beliefs in who is the real God and things such as those make their religions different. A first major difference between the religions is the book they study and follow and how they treat this book. The Islams have a book they call the Quran. The Jewish population has a book called the Talmud, and the Christianity religion has a book name The Bible. What are the differences in these books? Well first of all, they all treat them differently. The Islams never put the Quran below themselves. They think of this as if they were saying, Im higher than God, and Im more important than him. They also take very good care of it. When they arent using it they have it wrapped up inside of a cloth and set it on a high shelf. Also, no one else can touch their Quran without permission from an Islamic believer. The Quran itself states that only those who are clean and pure should touch the sacred text. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Mar. 2013. . The Jewish population studies a book called the Talmud. They read over this book, memorize it, and sometimes go into major detail of what somethi ng in it means. The Talmud is made up of six sections, called Sedarim (orders). Each Seder contains several books called mesachot or tracts (singular: mesachet). The Talmud. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Mar. 2013. . There are eleven mesachot in the Talmud. Each of them deals with many of the different Jewish laws. Lastly, there are the Christians, who study The Bible. The Bible to Christians is like a book full of different ways to live your life. Most people dont treat their bible like a special sacred book. People toss them around, lay in on their nightstand next to their beds, and other things such as that. The Bible has many different sections, some of these sections are in the Old Testament, and some are in the New Testament. Within these sections, there are many, many chapters, and within the chapters there are verses. For instance, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me -Philippians 4:13. Philippians is the section, 4 is the chapter, and 13 is the verse. As you c an see, these books are all very different within each religion. They study them differently, treat them differently, and the text within them is very different. They also have different beliefs in the coming of God and who Jesus was. The Jewish religion believes that the messiah has yet to come, whereas Christianity and Islam believe than Jesus was the messiah. The Jewish believe that messiah will come later in life and they will be taken with him. The Christians and Islams believe at the second coming of Jesus, Jesus will leave the Jewish people behind and only take true believers as to let the Jews accept the fact that this is the second coming of the messiah, then he shall later come back and bring the Jewish people with him. The places where the three religions think they will be taken after Jesus takes them with him are all different also. The Islams think they are going to an eternal paradise. Jews believe one of two things, either they are going to heaven, or they think there is no afterlife. Lastly, Christians believe they will have an eternal heaven. They also have a specific view on a bad afterlife. Islams and Christians both think they will go to eternal hell whereas Jews think they will go to either eternal Gehenna, reincarnation, or no afterlife. They also have different outlooks on the birth and death of Jesus. Christians and Islams believe Jesus was born from a virgin birth, meaning Mary just randomly by Gods will had a child she was to name Jesus. The Jewish people on the other hand think Jesus came by a normal birth, saying that Mary and Joseph had a child together. Then theres the death of Jesus, which they dont agree on either. Islams believe that Jesus did not die but ascended into heaven during crucifixion. The Jewish and Christians populations believe that he died by crucifixion. Comparison of Islam, Judaism and Christianity. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Mar. 2013. . Then each religion has an outlook upon the other two religions. The Islam has something to say about Jews and Christians, Christians have something to say about Jews and Islams, and Jews have something to say about Christians and Islams. The Islamic people think that Jews and Christians are respected as People of the Book, but they have wrong beliefs and only partial revelation. This means that Islamic people think that the other two religions are respectable by what the Quran says, but they think that the beliefs of these people are wrong. Jewish people think that both Islam and Christianity are false interpretations and extensions of Judaism. This means that the Jews think that Islams and Christians are completely wrong in what they do and that they are not following or believing what they actually should. The y think that the other two religions should do exactly what the Jewish people do and then they would be following what they need to be. Then there is Christianity. They think that Judaism is a true religion, but with incomplete revelation. Christians believe that Jewish people are right in what they believe in, but they dont think they have full grasp of everything they need to believe in. They also think that Islam is a false religion. Christians believe that Islams are wrong in everything they do and what they are doing is completely wrong. They are against anything Islamic people do, and would never partake in any of it. Comparison of Islam, Judaism and Christianity. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Mar. 2013. . Not everyone in this world can believe the same things, do the same things, or even partake in the same activities, but that doesnt mean they cant sometimes get along. These three religions dont hate each other, they just dont always necessarily agree with one another. Its like they are siblings fighting over where to go out to eat. One of them wants seafood, one wants barbecue, and the other wants Italian. Christians want Jesus to come take them away so they can go live an eternal life in heaven, Islams want their God to come save them so they can have an eternal life in paradise, and the Jewish people want Jesus to have his first coming and save them. They all have disagreements on whats right and whats wrong, but they can sometimes get along. For instance, they all believe in one God and worshiping that one God. They all believe that there should be a certain day on which they worship, even though these days are not the same. They all believe in a hell and demons along with angels . They all have a special book of their own that they study, and in that book is the word of that religions God. So you see, they may have many, many differences as the three Abrahamic Religions, but they do have some things in common that they agree about also. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Mar. 2013. . The Talmud. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Mar. 2013. . Comparison of Islam, Judaism and Christianity. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Mar. 2013. .
Friday, October 25, 2019
Aerosol Spray Cans :: essays research papers fc
Aerosol Spray Cans      Spray cans produce an aerosol, the technical term for a very fine spray. They do this by means of a pressurized propellant, which is a liquid that boils at everyday temperatures. Inside the can, a layer of gaseous pressure increased, and eventually it becomes so high that boiling stops. when the nozzle is pressed, the gas pressure forces the product up the tube in the can and out of the nozzle in a spray or foam. The propellant may emerge as well but, now under less pressure, it immediately evaporates.      First patented in the US in 1941, aerosol spray cans have been used as convenient packages for an ever increasing range of products including paints, insecticides, and shaving cream to name a few. The can is filled with the product to be sprayed and the propellant, a compressed gas such as butane or Freon. The gas is partly liquefied by the pressure in the can, but there is a layer of free gas above the liquid. As the can empties liquefied gas vaporizes to fill the space.      The valve is normal held shut by the pressure in the can, and by the coil spring directly below the valve stem. When the push button is pressed, it forces the valve stem down in its housing, uncovering a small a small hole which leads up through the stem to the nozzle in the button. This allows the product to be forced up the dip tube by the gas pressure in the can. The nozzle is shaped to give a spray or a continuous stream.      To produce a fine mist, a propellant is used which mixes with the product. The two leave the nozzle together and the propellant evaporates a soon as it reaches the air, breaking the product in to tiny droplets. The same technique used with a more viscous liquid and a wider nozzle results in a foam. For a continuous stream of liquid or more viscous material, a nonmixing propellant is used, and the dip tube reaches into the product.      The widespread use of aerosol cans using Freon as the propellant led scientists to believe by the late 1970s that the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere, which filters out harmful Ultraviolet radiation from the sun, could be destroyed by the large quantities of fluorocarbons in the gas being release into the air. Federal controls were introduced to ban the use of Freon, and other propellants are now employed, notably butane which, however is dangerously flammable.      Among young people in United States, conventional drug or alcohol abuse has given away-for an increasing number of teen-agers-to a practice called
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Cheif Sharitarish of the Great Pawnees
Danielle DuBroc Blake Ellis History 1301 09/22/12 Chief Sharitarish on Changes in Indian Life (Pg. 188) Chief Sharitarish, the principle chieftain of the once Great Pawnees who are a tribe that mainly hunted on the Great Plains, decided to pay a visit to the new president of the time, James Monroe. Impressed by the colonist’s ability to create beautiful buildings and large vessels, Chief Sharitarish praises them for their innovations for these creations are far from his own comprehension.He thanks them for allowing him and his tribe â€Å"protection†but he mislead and directed his praise to a greater, more important being, the Great Spirit. Sharitarish praised and thanked the men, but he didn’t mean to thank them more than the Maker of Life. Here, Sharitarish begins to reveal his true objective; He wants to get the colonial men off their land and he desires peace. He believes that the Great Spirit intended them to have their differences and to live differently a s well. As Native Americans, Sharitarish feels that his people were meant to roam the lands, hunt, and take scalps.He quietly suggests removal of the colonists, but he knows they will not move, so he proposes that the colonists stay off their land and in return Sharitarish will continue to trade fur with the colonists. Basically, Sharitarish makes an attempt to cooexist with the colonists. He does not intend for war or to physically fight the Americans, but he does want to preserve the land for his people, his children, and his culture. So the chieftain makes a compromise in order to try and obtain the land from the white man, while keeping the relations with the colonists relatively peaceful.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Fundamental Elements of a Story Essay
This essay is going to talk about three different points: What are the types of effect that the writer can leave on his readers by his story? How important is the writer’s style to make his story access into his readers’ minds? What are the possible ways that the writer could use to make his theme noticed in his story? What are the Different Ways a Story’s Format Affects the Reader’s Comprehension? Positive effect The format of the story must be effective for the reader; if the form of the story is well organized the reader’s comprehension will be affected. The writer must organize the story elements and build a connection between all of these elements. Negative effect The format of the story could be not effective for the reader because of unorganized story structure. The way that the writer is telling his point of view doesn’t affect readers properly. In What Ways do the Style and Point of View in a Story Format Effects the Delivery of that Story? The style and the point of view are important because the writer is the story teller. When the writer’s point of view is cleared and detailed his story becomes effective (Story, 2007). How can the Theme be Evident throughout a Story’s Elements? The theme can be evident depending on how the writer includes it in the story elements. For example, according to critics Joseph Conrad in his novel ‘Heart of Darkness’ showed his racist personality and negative attitude towards women (Student Resources, 2008). Conclusion A story acceptance depends on the style of the author; maybe most readers will love it or hate it. The writer could write a story in 2 different ways with one 1 theme; the level of acceptance will not be the same in both cases. References Elements of the Short Story. (2007). Retrieved October 20, 2008, from http://www. scribblingwomen. org/elements. htm Student Resources. (2008). Retrieved October 20, 2008, from http://www. josephconradsociety. org/student_resources. htm
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