Tuesday, August 25, 2020
9 Myths About Learning Italian
9 Myths About Learning Italian Its simple to tune in to prevalent sentiments about the fact that it is so hard to get familiar with a language.â In any case, much the same as some other personal growth action or ability (consuming less calories, working out, and adhering to a spending ring a bell), you can persuade yourself with a large number of reasons why you cannot articulate Italian words or conjugate Italian verbsâ or you can utilize that time and vitality to learn la bella lingua. To assist you with getting over that as fast as could be expected under the circumstances, here are ten of the most widely recognized legends about learning Italian. Italian is More Difficult to Learn Than English Reality: Research shows that Italian isâ easier to learn English. Past the logical reasons, however, as a kid, nobody realizes any better when figuring out how to talk their local tongue. One path around the dissatisfaction when learning Italian is to recollect that everybody was an apprentice at once. Youngsters giggle and appreciate talking and singing hogwash words for the sheer delight of hearing themselves. As the Italian axiom says, Sbagliando simpara - by committing errors one learns.â I Wont Be Able to Roll My Rs Reality: The truth of the matter is, a few Italians can't roll their Rs either. Its called la erre moscia (delicate r), its as a rule an aftereffect of a territorial highlight or tongue and furthermore customarily connected with privileged discourse. Italians from the north of Italy, particularly in the northwest district of Piedmont (near the French fringe), are celebrated for this discourse variety - which shouldnt be an astonishment, given the impact of the French language on the nearby vernacular. Truth be told, the phonetic marvel is likewise called la erre alla francese. For the individuals who would like to figure out how to roll their Rs, have a go at setting your tongue against the top of your mouth (close to the front) and trill your tongue. When in doubt, imagine youre firing up a cruiser or rehash the accompanying English terms a couple of times: stepping stool, pot o tea, or spread There Arent Any Schools Near My Home Reality: Who needs a school? You can examine Italian on the web, tune in to a podcast,â listen to Italian sound, or locate an Italian friend through correspondence to work on composing. To put it plainly, the Internet is an interactive media stage where you can use all the components important to learn Italian. Sick Never Use Italian Reality: No issue your inspiration for learning Italian, new open doors can introduce themselves in manners you can't envision at first. Youll make companions when you visit, discover a TV give you love, or maybe, even begin to look all starry eyed at yourself. Who knows? Im Too Old to Learn Italian Reality: People of any age can learn Italian. Somewhat, its an issue of assurance and commitment. So quit delaying and begin rehearsing! Nobody I Know Speaks Italian, So Theres No Opportunity to Practice Reality: Contact the Italian office at your nearby school or an Italian American association since they much of the time support wine samplings or different occasions where members can meet and blend to rehearse Italian. Or on the other hand join your nearby Italian Language Meetup gathering. Sorted out by Meetup.com, the Italian Language Meetup is a free assembling at a neighborhood scene for anybody keen on getting the hang of, rehearsing, or instructing Italian. Local Italians Wont Understand Me Reality: If you put forth an attempt, odds are theyll parse out what youre saying. Try Italian hand signals, as well. What's more, in the event that you initiate a discussion, youll be rehearsing Italian. A significant piece of figuring out how to communicate in Italian is building your fearlessness - so the more you attempt to communicate, the speedier youll get familiar with the language.â Im Only Visiting Italy for a Short Time, So Why Bother? Reality: Why trouble, in fact? Voyagers to Italy will need to learn Italian endurance expressions to assist them with both the down to earth (you would like to know where the washroom is, dont you?) just as the commonplace (i.e.,â how to disentangle an Italian menu).â I Have to Use a Textbook to Study Italian, and I Dont Like Them Reality: There areâ many compelling approaches to examine Italian. Regardless of whether its perusing an Italian course book, finishing exercise manual activities, tuning in to a tape or CD, or bantering with a local Italian speaker, any technique is suitable.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
KIEU Eaasy-Theme 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
KIEU Eaasy-Theme 2 - Essay Example Despite the fact that it might be accepted that the soul behind Kieu’s choice to take part in corrupt exercises is moral, the moves the she makes are indecent and against the norms set by the general public. Kieu’s liberal character is uncovered when she chooses to participate in prostitution so as to provide food for the requirements for her family. Kieu was knowledgeable and had a brilliant future ahead, however issues occur for her family. Therefore, she takes the way of prostitution and turns into a survivor of conditions. As per her general public, prostitution is improper and a maltreatment of womanhood, yet Kieu makes an intense move to take part in it so as to help her sibling and father. The soul behind her choice to join prostitution so as to help her family might be made as an ethical move, yet in the genuine sense and dependent on her society’s standards, it is unethical (Du 151). Kieu becomes hopelessly enamored with Kim. Both are adolescents yet the y follow their wants to build up an energetic relationship. The general public restricts young relationship since they are probably going to fall into allurement and participate in sex. The general public is against the relationship, yet Kieu’s liberal character empowers her to experience passionate feelings for Kim, hence breaking the social standards set by her locale. Despite the fact that Kieu might be viewed as good when she chose to protect herself until marriage when her sweetheart Kim attempted to make lewd gestures to her, the entire relationship is unethical in light of the fact that it repudiates the fundamental good codes that deny sexual connections between young people (Du 118). Judging whether Kieu’s activities are good or indecent relies upon the general public that one is originating from. Each general public characterizes ethical quality in its own unique situation. Taking a gander at Kieu’s character, it is by one way or another splendid in li ght of the fact that she adores her family more than herself and chooses to rehearse prostitution so as to spare them. On the off chance that Kieu were a narrow minded individual, she would have consented to get hitched to Kim and leave her family to endure. Hence, in another unique situation, her choices are splendid and she can be viewed as a brilliant individual. She decides to help her family, despite the fact that it implied conflicting with social standards and convictions. By and by, her moves can't be made to be those of a legend in light of the fact that the way of prostitution is definitely not a right one and isn't worthy in any general public. Prostitution is improper and is taken to be absence of regard to oneself and the general public on the loose. Kieu could have settled on different options instead of prostitution. Numerous brilliant young ladies around the world face comparative conditions throughout everyday life, and prostitution to an ethically upstanding indivi dual is improper. Despite the fact that Kieu end up being ethically upstanding when Kim made lewd gestures to her, she later end up being a frail person who utilizes family as motivation to rehearse prostitution. Unmistakably her choice to rehearse prostitution couldn't be discouraged by social standards thus she needed to follow her liberal perspectives to do what satisfied her craving and what she felt was beneficial for her and her family (McLeod and Nguyen 69). Ethics will be morals that decide if the conduct of an individual is positive or negative. Each general public has its own specific manner of communicating moral conduct and morals. One might be looked by a circumstance where the ethical conduct can be deserted so as to spare another from more serious issues. For example, Kieu is compelled to join the whorehouse and begin rehearsing prostitution in an offer to spare her dad and
Saturday, August 8, 2020
9 Personality Types of Binge Drinkers
9 Personality Types of Binge Drinkers More in Addiction Alcohol Use Binge Drinking Withdrawal and Relapse Children of Alcoholics Drunk Driving Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery British researchers have studied the social and psychological characteristics of drinkers who regularly consume twice the recommended amount of alcohol and have identified nine types of heavy drinkers. The U.K. Department of Health hopes to use the information to target public health campaigns at those who are drinking at risky levels. According to the British National Health Service, alcohol-related illnesses cost the government about $5 billion a year in healthcare costs. This will be a tough one to crack, an NHS spokesperson told Lucy Cockcroft in a report for the news media. Research found many positive associations with alcohol among the general public â€" even more so among those drinking at higher-risk levels. For these people alcohol is embedded in their identity and lifestyle: so much so that challenging this behavior results in high levels of defensiveness, rejection or even outright denial. Types of Binge Drinkers According to the U.K. Department of Health, these are the nine personality types of binge drinkers: De-stress drinkers use alcohol to regain control of life and calm down. They include middle-class women and men.Conformist drinkers are driven by the need to belong and seek a structure to their lives. They are typically men aged 45 to 59 in clerical or manual jobs.Boredom drinkers consume alcohol to pass the time, seeking stimulation to relieve the monotony of life. Alcohol helps them to feel comforted and secure.Depressed drinkers may be of any age, gender or socioeconomic group. They crave comfort, safety, and security.Re-Bonding drinkers are driven by a need to keep in touch with people who are close to them.Community drinkers are motivated by the need to belong. They are usually lower-middle-class men and women who drink in large friendship groups.Hedonistic drinkers crave stimulation and want to abandon control. They are often divorced people with grown-up children, who want to stand out from the crowd.Macho drinkers spend most of their spare time in pubs. They are mostly men o f all ages who want to stand out from the crowd.Border dependents regard the pub as a home from home. They visit it during the day and the evening, on weekdays and at weekends, drinking fast and often. Dangers of Binge Drinking Regardless of what type of binge drinker you are, make no mistake about it, binge drinking is dangerous. When we say binge drinking we are not talking about going on a multi-day bender, we are referring to drinking five or more drinks a day for men and four or more for women. That level of drinking is considered harmful because it can cause a wide range of health problems and other consequences. Occasional binge drinkers have a high rate of injuries compared to nondrinkers and even to those who are chronic heavy drinkers. 9 Tips for Cutting Back on Drinking Guidelines for Low-Risk Drinking In the U.K. where this research was conducted, the guidelines for low-risk drinking are less than 14 units of alcohol per week. A pint of strong lager contains about 3 units of alcohol while a standard glass of wine contains about 2.1 units. In other words, to remain at the low-risk level, British drinkers can have about six pints of beer a week or about seven standard glasses of wine. In the U.K. someone who drinks twice this amount per week is considered a binge drinker. If you are even an occasional binge drinker, there are many reasons to stop the habit or try to cut back on your drinking. Pros and Cons of Tapering Alcohol Intake
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Disconnect Between the People of France and the Monarchy - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1131 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/06/26 Category History Essay Level High school Topics: French Revolution Essay Did you like this example? The start of The French Revolution began due to the disconnect between the people of France and the monarchy, resulting in one of the bloodiest revolts in history. Economic, social and political conditions in France added to the discontent that was felt by many French citizens particularly those from the third estate. One of the main factors that lead to the contribution of the revolution was the crisis in the monarchy. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Disconnect Between the People of France and the Monarchy" essay for you Create order This consisted of two decades of poor harvest, drought, cattle disease, and in increases of prices Another big problem of the 18th century was King Louis the 16ths spending problem. This resulted into major debt which latter lead to bankruptcy for the whole country. The French Revolution of the 1789 had some long-range causes. Economic, social and political conditions in France added to the discontent that was felt by many French citizens particularly those from the third estate. The thoughts of the scholarly people of the Enlightenment conveyed new perspectives to the society and the government. The American Revolution additionally impacted the happening to the Revolution of France. The Philosophes planted seeds for the Revolution. Their objectives were to destroy and expose the imbalances of the old regime (Aftalion, 180-181). The France political discontent was one of the reasons for the Revolution. An absolute government managed France in the 17th and 18th hundreds of years. The King had all the political forces. Any individual who scrutinized the government could be captured and put in jail without preliminary. Louis XVI was king of the French Revolution. He was more keen on hunting than administering France. He and his Austrian queen, Marie Antoinette, carried on with a luxurious life at the Palace of Versailles (Aftalion, 182). They didnt generally think about the condition of their nation. The general population of the third estate felt a feeling of disloyalty when the king supported block voting over the head voting. The first two estates decided to cooperate and outvote the large third estate to shield them from turning into threat to power (Aftalion, 183). Lord Acton, an Englishmen, states that the government being toppled wasnt the start of the Revolution. He perceives the American Independence as the start of the French Revolution. The French government was wasteful, out of line and degenerate. There were various government offices, different laws in various parts of the nation and authorities. Numerous individuals ended up enraged at the manner in which France was administered. The general population couldnt successfully achieve a change. The French Parliament was known as the Estates-General. It hadnt met since the year 1614 and could not without the consent of the king. It fundamentally had no power (Campbell, 16). The economic issues made by the French kings additionally added to the Revolution. Amid the eighteenth century, the French government spent more cash than it gathered in expenses. By 1788, the nation was bankrupt. Arthur Young, an Englishmen, and spectator, who ventured out to France from 1787 to 1789 furiously portray the living conditions of the workers in his book Travels in France (Campbell, 18). The measure of expense every individual must pay is out of line. Landholders found in the honorability werent exhausted much. The landholders found in the healthy people were saddled vigorously. There was the absence of bread. The cost of food was much higher at that point ones capacity to pay which caused incredible wretchedness for the general population of France. A large portion of the cash was spent on fights. France had been fighting for about fifty years out of the past one hundred years. France bolstered the Americans in the American War of the Independence. From that point forwa rd, France was in money related remains. A substantial entirety of cash was additionally spent on royal residences, excitement, and endowments by the kings of France (Desan, 470). The government spent a great deal of cash which set forth high taxes. The tax framework was crooked. The nobles and the ministry scarcely settled any government obligation. The Church possessed one-tenth of the land in France and did not make good on any government expenses. The laborers were the casualties of the overwhelming taxation (Desan, 471). Louis XVI attempted to change the taxation framework however the honorability and the ministry declined to acknowledge the new changes. Along these lines, the king was not able to make any money related changes. The gabelle, salt tax, was additionally imposed by the French Kings. At the point when Jacques Turgot endeavored to force the corvee, tax ashore property, he was contradicted by the honorability. He neglected to pass the corvee and was expelled by Louis XVI (Desan, 472). Social issues were additionally a central point that realized the French Revolution. In the eighteenth century, France was the first nation with class divisions. Individuals were isolated into three estates †the First Estate comprised of the ministry. The Second comprised of the honorability, and the Third incorporated the bourgeoisie, the city laborers and the workers †the state you had a place with chosen your capacity and rights (Jones, 278). Record 2 demonstrates the social class qualifications. The first estate was comprised of one percent of the general population and possessed ten percent of the land in France. The second estate consisted of two percent of the general population and claimed 35 percent of the land. The third estate held 97 percent of the general population who claimed 55 percent of the land. The general population to-arrive extent was out of line looking at the measure of individuals in every estate (Jones, 280). The third estate held next to no land contrasted with the ratio of individuals it had. It was stuffed. The first and second estate was the special classes. The church and the honorability were excluded from many taxes. They needed to pay around four-fifths of their salary on tax. They additionally expected to make good on the land government obligation: likewise, the taxes on property, streets, and salt (LeBon, 121). In conclusion, the French Revolution was caused by economic, political and social issues. Individuals were in discontent with the king. The first two estates were favored, and the third was exceptionally unprivileged and needed to cover substantial government expenses. The third estate did not coexist with the initial two. French kings spent a considerable measure of cash on wars. They paid more money than they made. It was the ideal opportunity for an adjustment in France (LeBon, 124). Works Cited Aftalion, Florin. The French Revolution: economic considerations. The French Revolution, pp. 180-195. Campbell, Peter. Rethinking the Origins of the French Revolution. A Companion to the French Revolution, 2012, pp. 1-23. Desan, Suzanne. The French Revolution and the Family. A Companion to the French Revolution, 2012, pp. 470-485. Jones, Peter M. Choosing Revolution and Counter-Revolution. A Companion to the French Revolution, 2012, pp. 278-292. LeBon, Gustave. The French Revolution. The French Revolution and the Psychology of Revolution, pp. 121-286.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
How Planning Ahead Helped My Writing - 916 Words
WR150: How Planning Ahead Helped My Writing I have always thought of writing as a way to express feelings and thoughts. A way that requires nothing but an idea in my head and a pen in my hand. But not until after taking this course; Childhood in Three Disciplines, that I actually realized that some writings need more than just ideas and pens. Some writings require thinking, planning, researching, and analyzing, and those were the kinds I got introduces to in this course. This course is a WR X course, which basically has the same goals as a regular WR course with the addition of innovative features. Our class’s feature was writing about one childhood object in different discipline to explore the different demands that those distinct disciplines have. Keeping that feature in mind, it was essential to differentiate between the different styles, genres and audience that these disciplines have to prevent overlapping in ideas and styles. And to do that, planning ahead was very important. My papers at first lacked planning, and thus weren’t as good as I wanted them to be. But throughout my work in this course, I learned how to better plan for my essays and produce better papers. Specifically, I learned how to use brainstorming and outlining as ways of planning/pre writing. This planning has resulted in a more organized process of writing and thus a more organized paper overall. Before While writing my first proposal, I was focusing completely on answering the questions of theShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Writing In Writing1145 Words  | 5 Pages Writing papers and essays has always been something that I have struggled with. Throughout high school, I did fairly well on essays and research papers, but writing at a college level has proven to be very difficult for me. I feel that I have never been able to succeed in writing in the way that I had hoped and envisioned I would. When I get an essay assignment, it is easy for me to think of what I want to write my paper on. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Hyogo Framework For Action Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays
string(45) " the hapless are dragged down into poorness\." The construct and pattern of cut downing catastrophe hazards through systematic attempts to analyze and pull off the causal factors of catastrophes, including through reduced exposure to jeopardies, lessened exposure of people and belongings, wise direction of land and the environment, and improved readiness for inauspicious events. In short it is a program or action that is in topographic point to decrease the consequence of a catastrophe before or after it strikes. Definition of DRM Catastrophe hazard direction is a planned method of utilizing administrative instructions, organisations, and operational accomplishments to set into pattern schemes, constabularies and â€Å" improved header capacities †in order to cut down the unfavorable force of jeopardies and the opportunity of catastrophe. We will write a custom essay sample on The Hyogo Framework For Action Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now ( Kesten A. R. , 2005 ) ( United Nations: International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction ( UNISDR ) . , 2004 ) Hyogo Framework for Action The Hyogo Framework for Action ( UNISDR, 2011 ) provides the undermentioned precedences for action. Priority Action 1 States that develop policy, legislative and institutional models for catastrophe hazard decrease and that can develop and track advancement through specific and mensurable indexs have greater capacity to pull off hazards and to accomplish widespread consensus for, battle in and conformity with catastrophe hazard decrease steps across all the sectors of society. Ensure that catastrophe hazard decrease is a national and a local precedence with a strong institutional footing for execution. Priority Action 2 The starting point for cut downing catastrophe hazard and for advancing a civilization of catastrophe resiliency lies in the cognition of the jeopardies and the physical, societal, economic and environmental exposures to catastrophes that most societies face. Of the ways in which jeopardies and exposures are altering in the short and long term footing. This is followed by action taken on the footing of that cognition. Identify, buttocks and proctor catastrophe hazard and heighten early warning. Priority Action 3 Catastrophes can be well reduced if people are good informed and motivated towards a civilization of catastrophe bar and resiliency, which in bend requires the aggregation, digest and airing of relevant cognition and information on jeopardies, exposures and capacities. In short people need to cognize about the catastrophe they could be faced with and what they need to make to remain alive if one stikes. Use cognition, invention and instruction to construct a civilization of safety and resiliency at all degrees. Priority Action 4 Catastrophe hazards related to altering societal, economic, environmental conditions and land usage, and the impact of jeopardies associated with geological events, conditions, H2O, clime variableness and clime alteration. These topics are addressed in sector development planning and programmes every bit good as in post-disaster state of affairss. Reduce the implicit in hazard factors. Priority Action 5 At times of catastrophe, impacts and losingss can be well reduced if governments, persons and communities in hazard-prone countries are good prepared and ready to move and are equipped with the cognition and capacities for effectual catastrophe direction. Strengthen catastrophe readiness for effectual response. Question 3 The current world in South Africa with respects to Disaster Risk Management South Africa is invariably threatened by several types of catastrophes of different beginning and nature. These jeopardies, which are technological, environmental and natural in beginning, include terrible hydro meteoric events, such as inundations, drouths, terrible storms twisters and veld fires. Hazards of biological beginning, such as epidemic disease incidences, which affect worlds and farm animal, have shown an addition in recent old ages. In the excavation industry and in urban environments, risky stuff and transit accidents continue to present major challenges. Gauteng in the last few hebdomads has experienced a figure of localised implosion therapy incidents including a detrimental hailstorm on 20 October 2012 in the Germiston country ( Kesten, A.R. 2012 ) . Large Numberss of rural people migrate to urban countries in hunt of employment, although governments continue with attempts to cut down the high degrees of poorness and to rush the proviso of substructure and entree to services. They are invariably exposed to a scope of menaces due to the fact that they have to settle in insecure environments and are badly vulnerable to conditions such as inundations, H2O borne diseases and domestic fires. Vulnerability of rural communities in footings of sustainable supports and poorness are impacted on by alterations in societal behaviour in these specific communities. Poverty, due to high degrees of unemployment leaves people, families and communities missing resiliency to the impact of jeopardies. The bequest left by the Apartheid authorities impacted communities, which are now disadvantaged and urgently destitute and as a consequence, capable to high degrees of catastrophe hazard. Smaller local communities are more often prone to catastrophes w here loss of life and belongings, and the fiscal load thereof, are high. Socially disadvantaged groups are more vulnerable to jeopardies, reflecting their societal, cultural, economic and political environment. Catastrophes, in bend, are a beginning of impermanent adversity and hurt and a factor lending to relentless poorness. At the family degree, location of lodging ( e.g. on flood plains ) , primary types of business and entree to resources ( including fiscal ) ; reflect how poorness is the individual most of import factor in finding exposure. Factors lending to exposure in South Africa There are many factors lending to exposure in South Africa. They are: dearth ; HIV/AIDS ; uninterrupted struggle and Globalization. Famine – there is non plenty nutrient available, failures of administration and utmost degrees of predominating poorness which has led to alone degrees of adversity for many people in South Africa. HIV/AIDS – HIV/AIDS has eroded the lives and supports of 1000000s of Africans. It has left Africans vulnerable at homeowner and macro-economic degrees. Continuing struggle – struggles have really high costs, destructing past development additions and go forthing of damaged assets and substructures that impedes future additions. Globalization – developing states like South Africa can non utilize their primary merchandises to guarantee economic growing and development, because of this international market. Therefore this ensures that the rich get richer and the hapless are dragged down into poorness. You read "The Hyogo Framework For Action Environmental Sciences Essay" in category "Essay examples" Other factors lending to exposure in South Africa are: Erratic rainfall Climate variableness Break to nutrient handiness Extreme degrees of poorness Paraffin wellness menaces Failures of authorities Crippling foreign debt Collapsing trade good monetary values Limited export net incomes Animal diseases Capacity edifice, public consciousness and research Communication and information Catastrophe alleviation Drought Early warnings Energy Environmental exigencies Floods International facets Mining catastrophes Radiation related catastrophes Refugees Technological accidents Veld and forest fires Weather warnings Question 4 4.1 Emergency and Response Management Emergency response direction is familiar to disaster response bureaus and catastrophe victims. It includes emptying processs and shelters, hunt and deliverance squads, needs assessment squads, activation of exigency line of life installations, response centres and shelters for displaced people. Catastrophe response refers to activities that are put into action instantly anterior to catastrophes, when there is equal early warning and instantly following catastrophes. Response includes early warning and emptying of the readiness measures or programs and short-run exigency steps of alleviation every bit good as long-run recovery and Reconstruction activities. The purpose of this response is to salvage lives, to guarantee the endurance of the maximal possible figure of people affected, to restore ego sufficiency and reconstruct indispensable services every bit quickly as possible and to mend or replace damaged substructures and economic installations, place, appraise and implement development aims which cut down exposure. Response covers a scope of activities depending on the nature of the catastrophe. The activities are warning, emptying, migration or response, hunt and needs appraisal and exigency alleviation. The indispensable elements of response and exigency direction are logistic and supply, communicating and information direction, subsister response and get bying mechanisms, security and the demand to protect basic human rights, accent on the most vulnerable group, exigency operations and direction, Reconstruction and execution of rehabilitation steps. Effectiveness of response and exigency direction will be influenced by a figure of factors. They are: First, the type of catastrophe will impact the effectivity of mobilisation and application of response. Second, the badness and extent of the catastrophe. Third, the ability to take pre-action will depend on the type of catastrophe every bit good as the capacity. Fourth, the capableness for sustainable action 4.2 Key countries and jobs associating to exigency and response direction Response activities will usually be carried out under disruptive and sometimes unsafe or traumatic conditions, and therefore it is hard to implement. Heavy demands will be made on personal, equipment, installations and resources. Effective response will therefore depend on the good readiness, capacity put in topographic point as portion of a hazard decrease scheme. Sound planning, organisation and preparation are hence indispensable for accomplishing optimum success. Catastrophe hazard decrease activities should be put in topographic point as long-run steps that increase the capacity and resiliency of vulnerable groups in order to cut down the impact of future catastrophe events. The response period provides an chance for measuring bing catastrophe hazard decrease steps and thought of what needs to be improved and what needs to be put in topographic point. Weak institutional model includes unequal policy way, hapless organisation and coordination, unequal planning, unequal readiness ( out-of-date programs, low criterions of preparedness, deficiency of clear determination devising system, deficiency of clear allotment of functions and duties ) . Therefore weak institutional model may interpret into failing in early warning and public consciousness, deficiency of capacity for impact appraisal, deficiency of anterior hazard appraisal and exposure analysis, hapless information direction system and hapless status and response operations. An extra consideration is the deficiency of standardisation or the deficiency of execution of criterions which have been developed by the South African Bureau of Standards in line with subdivision 7 ( 2 ) of the Disaster Management Act Question 5 Resilience The ability of a system, community or society exposed to jeopardies to defy, absorb, suit to and retrieve from the effects of a jeopardy in a timely and efficient mode, including through the saving and Restoration of its indispensable basic constructions and maps. Resilience means the ability to â€Å" jump back from †a daze. The resiliency of a community in regard to possible jeopardy events is determined by the grade to which the community has the necessary resources and is capable of forming itself both prior to and during times of demand. ( Harmonizing to the most current US/ISDR definition. ) Vulnerability The features and fortunes of a community, system or plus that make it susceptible to the detrimental effects of a jeopardy. There are many facets of exposure, originating from assorted physical, societal, economic, and environmental factors. Examples may include hapless design and building of edifices, unequal protection of assets, deficiency of public information and consciousness, limited official acknowledgment of hazards and readiness steps, and neglect for wise environmental direction. Vulnerability varies significantly within a community and over clip. This definition identifies exposure as a feature of the component of involvement ( community, system or plus ) which is independent of its exposure. However, in common usage the word is frequently used more loosely to include the component ‘s exposure. ( Harmonizing to the most current US/ISDR definition. ) Question 6 The national catastrophe direction model says that it is indispensable to fit community leaders with consciousness of good patterns in bar, readyings and be aftering for these catastrophes, which may be built-in in the environment, and of the pressing demand to educate members of the communities in catastrophe hazard direction accomplishments. The national catastrophe direction model discusses the constitution of effectual agreements for the development and aboption of incorporate catastrophe hazard direction policy in South Africa it addresses the agreements for the incorporate dirction and execution of catastrophe hazard direction policy, it sets out the agreements required for stakeholders engagement and the battle of proficient advice in catastrophe hazard direction planning and operations and it describes agreements for national, regional and international co-operation for catastrophe hazard direction. Disaster hazard direction introduces the procedure involved in transporting out a catastrophe hazard appraisal, addresses procedures for bring forthing a National Indicative Disaster Risk Profile, describes demands for monitoring, updating and circulating catastrophe hazard information and looks at steps to guarantee quality control in catastrophe hazard appraisal and monitoring. Disaster hazard decrease addresses deman ds for catastrophe hazard direction planning within all parts of authorities. Response and recovery requires an incorporate and coordinated policy that focuses on rapid and effectual response to catastrophes and post-disaster recovery and rehabilitation. The catastrophe hazard direction procedure is the key to the effectual operation of an full squad sourced from many different subjects, involved in the catastrophe direction operation. It consists of several procedures, they are Establish the Context, Identify Risk, Analyse Risk, Evaluate and Priorities Risk, Treat Risk, Monitor and Review, Communicate and Consult. Establish the context so that there is a thorough apprehension of the context in which risk/s is present. Hazard designation is to foremost place all the possible jeopardies, whish could hold an impact on the country being assessed. Analyse hazard is to find the bing control mechanisms for the identified jeopardy and its strengths. Evaluate and precedences risk to a certain standard that is necessary towards the prioritization of the hazard. Risk intervention is necessary after they have been prioritized. Different hazards have different types of interventions and different degrees of interventions. Monitor and reappraisal is a non-stop procedure throw out the hazard direction procedure. This done to do certain the right program was implemented and the right action was taken. Communicate and consult is to pass on with the relevant people so that all the right actions can be taken, so that there is less loss to the country. The extenuation and preparedness stage starts as catastrophe direction betterments are made in expectancy of a catastrophe. Mitigation measures include constructing codifications and zoning, exposure analyses and public instruction. Preparedness is holding a: program of action at a clip of crisis ; preparedness programs ; exigency exercisings and preparation every bit good as warning systems. Preparedness has two chief purposes. These purposes are to assist people to avoid possible catastrophes and to authorise those who may be affected through programs and resources which raise their degrees of resiliency. These purposes are put into topographic point to salvage lives, to minimise the inauspicious effects of a jeopardy through effectual precautional steps and to guarantee seasonably, appropriate and efficient organisation for exigency responses. The nine following classs reflect the chief constituents of catastrophe readiness. These constituents are vulnerability appraisal, planning, institutional model, information systems, resource base, warning systems, exigency and response direction, public instruction and preparation and dry runs. Vulnerability appraisal is an ongoing procedure of people and organisations that assess jeopardies and hazards, map out possible jeopardies and predicts the alleviation demands and available resources. Planing involves many signifiers of extenuation and readiness schemes and eventuality programs for reacting to peculiar jeopardies. Institutional model is well-coordinated catastrophe readiness and response system at all degrees, with committedness from relevant stakeholders where functions and duties are clearly defined ( Twigg, 2004:288 ) . Information systems are systems put in topographic point for assemblage and circulating information between stakeholders. Resource base refers to the reso urces that are at your disposal to alleviate the general public of a catastrophe ( e.g. nutrient, shelter, medical attending, etc ) . Warning systems are ways of conveying warnings efficaciously to people at hazard. Emergency and response direction is the actions that should be taken every bit shortly as a catastrophe has occurred. Public instruction and preparation includes preparation classs, workshops and extension plans for at hazard groups and catastrophe respondents so that the populace will cognize what action to follow when a catastrophe work stoppages. Rehearsals are the chances to practise the drills which need to be implemented as a catastrophe work stoppages. Catastrophe planning is required to do certain that all the mechanisms are in topographic point to cut down the hazards and impacts of a catastrophe when it happens. Disaster planning should take into history the socio economic, environmental and other factors that cause hazard and menaces. Disaster readiness for effectual response is the system put into topographic point so that the response to catastrophes is done right and effectual. Effective information flows are needed for a figure of valid grounds that in general all consequence the extenuation of catastrophes. Preparedness planning as the challenges of the educational system in Africa is non that good due to the growing rate of African states, nevertheless the undermentioned agency of instruction to be in Africa can be used to offer catastrophe consciousness programmes and causes. Preparedness planning and developing harmonizing to Erdih ( 1988 ; 37 ) and effectual instruction and preparation programmes for catastrophe readiness should be peculiar in design, be community specific, based on a rational appraisal of the information needed, be integrated with an bing catastrophe and response system, include information bar, extenuation and recovery, be established as an on-going procedure and included as the most vulnerable sector of the population precedence. Fiscal facets of readiness planning are a large facet of catastrophe extenuation is the direction of fiscal resources. Many beginnings of fiscal aid could be considered during the direction of catastrophe in footings of catastrophe extenuation. It is good pattern to guarantee there is bar, readyings and be aftering for catastrophes and instruction for communities so that they know what action to take before, during and after a catastrophe. How to cite The Hyogo Framework For Action Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Information Systems for HRM
Question: What is the Information System Of the HRM ? Answer : Introduction This study deals with understanding the function of information systems in human resource management. In this particular assignment, emphasis has been given for gaining information on use of Human Resource Information System and its practical implications by Saudi Arabian Companies in the recent times (Stair and Reynolds 2015). The current segment elucidates the importance of Human Resource Information Systems that is recognized by business organization. Human Resource Information System provides software or online solution especially for the HR activities such as data entry, data tracking, payroll management as well as data information needs and accounting function within a business. The three activities of Human Resource Management include administration of all employee information, treatment as well as examination of member of staff information and application tracking and resume management. Activities include integrating with payroll systems as well as other company financial sof tware and accounting systems at the same time (Stair and Reynolds 2013). Human Resource Management activities and the role of using information systems within these activities With the recent development of globalization and knowledge, business organization has started to employ information systems in given functions as well as departments. Addition to that, Human Resource Management is one of the departments that utilize management information systems. HRIS (Human Resource Information System) is a computer-based scheme that is majorly used for managing the management of HR process and actions (Rainer et al. 2013). Information systems majorly supports workforce planning prevailing in the business organization. Business organization who are involved in continuing strategic preparation like planning for expanding into new market areas, constructing factories or offices in new locations or adding new products for getting information on quantity and quality of workforce for achieving the future goals. Information system even support labor negotiations where the Human resource team complete the negotiation needs by obtaining ad hoc reports as it analyzes organization as well as union positions within the framework (Purce 2014). It is essential for the negotiating team for receiving the ad hoc reports on timely manner by way of conducting labor negotiations. Some of the key functions of Human Resource Information System include payroll handling, recruitment and appraisals Performance Management. Payroll handling function of Human Resource Information System help in handling the payroll as it is a complicated task that is filled with conditions as well as company polices (Kehoe and Wright 2013). In this, the HR managers should perform the task every month on each entity basis after calculating the leaves, late hours, holidays as well as overtime and other aspects based on the nature of the work. Payroll handling is a complex job and opened a new type of business as it titled as Payroll Service Provider. Human Resource Information System majorly helps business organization for maintaining the attendance as well as generating the payroll accounting after preparing the pay slips. Recruitment is one of the crucial functions that are performed by HR Department where the human resources work together at the time of decision-making process. Hum an resource information system help in organizing the recruitment activities such as resume management, section criteria, interview taken, and other activities that are essential in the recruitment process. Appraisals and Performance Management is one of the functions of HRM that is not solely independent but also dependent on other functional departments (Galliers and Leidner 2014). It requires getting score from different departments as well as people such as Project Management. Human Resource Information System supports the activities that help in analyzing the reports as well as work at the time of decision-making process. To support the above HR function or activities mentioned, it is necessary to highlight the operations of companies that are based in Saudi Arabia for finding out as to how they manage the HR activities by linking it with information systems. Saudi Arabian Airlines is one of the national carrier airline based in Saudi Arabia that operates in airline sector. This airline is the third-largest airlines as far as revenue is concerned after Emirates and Qatar Airways. This airline company operates in domestic and international scheduled flights (Ford 2014). They operate in more than 120 destinations in the countries such as Middle East, Asia, Europe, North America and Africa. This airline industry uses the Human Resource Information System for keeping a check on the payroll system as well as recruiting the right employees for right job. It is essential for the airline company for engaging in the latest technology as it is increasing at a faster pace (Budhwar and Debrah 2013). On the other hand, Dallah Al-Baraka Holding Corporation is one of the private multinational corporations that are based in Saudi Arabia. This particular company deals in conglomerate with investments such as financial, banking, manufacturing, operations, healthcare as well as transportation and maintenance (Stair and Reynolds 2015). This banking corporation uses Human Resource Information System whereby the employees are recognized and provided with performance appraisals for their performance. Arab National Bank is one of the private banks that are based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia that is listed in Saudi Stock Exchange. This bank is among the top ten largest banks in the Middle East as well as has acknowledged an A rank from Standard and Poors. These private banks had recently started incorporating Human Resource Information System, as it is advantageous as payroll handling is one of the complicated tasks faced by the banks (Stair and Reynolds 2015). By using the information system, it had been easy for calculating the payroll for the employees who are working for the bank. Conclusion At the end of the study, it is concluded that Human Resource Information Systems proves to be most beneficial system that help business organization for reducing the workload. The use of information system in HRM is beneficial for the superiors for maintaining proper records. This helps the human managers for maintaining record of attendance, proceedings of positions that are held by human resources as well as individual pay grade. Payroll information includes requested deductions, gross quantity paid, amount deducted as well as shortest bank deductions and history and pay augmentation. These HR managers should record personal information of employees. Application of Information Systems in HRM helps business organization for competing with the competitors. Using HRIS help Human resource professional in becoming a strategic player. It increases the functionality as well as affordability where HRIS are used widely in the organization of all sizes. Reference List Budhwar, P.S. and Debrah, Y.A., 2013.Human resource management in developing countries. Routledge. Ford, J.K., 2014.Improving training effectiveness in work organizations. Psychology Press. Galliers, R.D. and Leidner, D.E., 2014.Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge. Kehoe, R.R. and Wright, P.M., 2013. The impact of high-performance human resource practices on employees attitudes and behaviors.Journal of management,39(2), pp.366-391. Purce, J., 2014. The impact of corporate strategy on human resource management.New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals),67. Rainer, R.K., Cegielski, C.G., Splettstoesser-Hogeterp, I. and Sanchez-Rodriguez, C., 2013.Introduction to information systems. John Wiley Sons. Stair, R. and Reynolds, G., 2013.Principles of information systems. Cengage Learning. Stair, R. and Reynolds, G., 2015.Fundamentals of information systems. Cengage Learning.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Chicken Yakitori Essays - Chinese Cuisine, Japanese Cuisine
: Chicken Yakitori Japanese Skewered Chicken Ingredients 3 green onions, cut into 1" strips lengthwise 8 green peppers, quartered and seeded 2/3 lb. chicken livers 1 clove garlic 1-1/3 lb. boned, skinless chicken breast Barbecue Sauce: 1/2 cup soy sauce 1/2 cup mirin 1-2 tablespoons sugar pepper bamboo skewers or sticks Method: 1. Pierce skewer through sides of green onions. Skewer green peppers in the same way. 2. Cut livers into 4-6 pieces. Soak in water to remove odor. 3. Crush garlic, add to 5 cups boiling water; add livers (do not overcook), drain in colander. Skewer livers. 4. Cut chicken into bite-size pieces. 5. Thread chicken on skewers. 6. Arrange skewers on platter. 7. Simmer Barbecue Sauce until reduced to half of original quantity. 8. Place gridiron over high heat, arrange two bricks on both sides. Barbecue, brushing with sauce, until cooked as desired. Sprinkle with pepper. Let guests help themselves. Eggplant Miso Soup 1 quart boiling water 2 tablespoons Miso 1 Carrot -- chopped 2 Scallions -- chopped 1/2 cup Tofu -- cubed 1 cup Eggplant -- julienned In boiling water, add miso. Mash to dissolve. Add carrots, scallions, tofu and eggplant. Cook until vegetables are tender. Japanese Potstickers/ Gyoza Nira is a vegetable sold in bunches in oriental groceries, and has a garlic flavor. 4-5 leaves Chinese cabbage, minced 1 bunch Nira, minced 2 large green onions, minced 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 small piece ginger, grated 2 tsp salt 1 tsp white pepper Dash of Japanese soy sauce 1 TBS sesame oil 1 TBS peanut oil 1 pound of ground pork 4-5 minced shittake mushrooms Gyoza skins Pour boiling water over cabbage and allow to sit for 1/2 min., then drain and rinse with cold water. Combine with remaining ingredients and mix coarsely with fingers. Place a tablespoon of filling in gyoza skin and crimp edges. Place small amount of oil in frying pan and heat. Place gyoza in pan and fry over med heat until lightly browned on one side. Add 3 tablespoons of water to pan, and cover. Allow gyoza to steam a couple of minutes. Serve with dipping sauce of soy and sesame oil. Japanese-Style Salad Dressings Preparation time: 5 minutes Here are some simple recipes: Oil and Vinegar * 1 tbs rice vinegar * 2 tbs vegetable oil * 1 tsp sesame oil * 1 tsp soy sauce * salt and pepper Ginger Dressing * 1 tbs rice vinegar * 1 tbs vegetable oil * 1 tbs sesame oil * 1 tbs grated fresh ginger * 1 tsp soy sauce Bon Appetit! Pan-Broiled Scallops 8 shelled sea scallops 2 Tbsp soy sauce 1 Tbsp sake or dry sherry 2 Tbsp oil 1. Wash scallops. 2. Mix soy sauce and sake in a bowl. 3. Heat oil in a frying pan and saute the scallops till they change color. Add soy sauce and sake. Shaking the pan to prevent sticking, continue cooking until the scallops are well-seasoned. Serves 4 Shabu Shabu Shabu-shabu means "swish-swish," referring to the swishing action when you cook a very thin slice of beef in hot water. On a portable range, place a medium-sized pot (1/2 gallon should do). Place a couple of slices of kombu (a sort of kelp) and cover with cold water. Gently bring the water to a boil and remove the kombu just before it actually starts to boil. When the water is boiling very, very gently, you're set. On your table you should have: (for 4 people) Ingredients * 1 lb very thinly sliced beef (sirloin), preferably grain-fed. Beer-fed Kobe beef is the best. I MEAN VERY THIN (less than 1/16 inch) * 8 shiitake mushrooms * 1/2 lb enoki mushrooms * 1/2 lb shimeji mushrooms * 1/2 lb shirataki * 1 lb chinese cabbage * 1/2 lb watercress, to substitute for spring chrysanthemum leaves * 1 lb tofu, cut in 1 in. cubes, pressed and drained * any other ingredients you want to use Dipping sauce * In a small bowl, you should have soy sauce and lemon juice 2:1, as a dipping sauce. Simply take one of the items, swish it around in the hot water for from a few seconds for beef to a few minutes for vegetables. Serve with hot steamed rice. Enjoy! Sukiyaki 1 piece beef suet, about 2" x 2" x 1/2" (enough to lightly grease hot pan) 1 Lb. lean beef, sliced paper-thin across the grain, then cut into bite-sized pieces 1 bunch Scallions, cut into 2" lengths, both white and green 1 block of fresh tofu, cut into bite sized squares 1-12 oz. can of shirataki (yam noodles) (This is optional as they are very expensive on the east coast) 1-16 oz. can of bamboo shoots, sliced thin 1/2 Lb. fresh bean sprouts 8 fresh brown mushrooms, sliced about 1/4" thick 1/2 c. Soy Sauce 1/2 c. Sugar 1 c. Water 2
Thursday, March 5, 2020
A Timeline of the War of 1812
A Timeline of the War of 1812 The War of 1812 officially began on June 18, 1812 when America declared war against the British. Known as Mr. Madisons War or The Second American Revolution, the war would last for over two years. It officially ended with the Treaty of Ghent on December 24, 1814. Following is a timeline of the major events that led to declaring war along with the events of the war itself. Timeline of the War of 1812 1803-1812 - British impress approximately 10,000 Americans, forcing them to work on British ships.July 23, 1805 - British decide in Essex case that American traders who travel between neutral and enemy ports will allow for the seizing many commercial ships.January 25, 1806 - James Madison delivers report concerning British interference and impressment of sailors causing anti-British feelings to arise.August 1806 - American minister James Monroe and envoy William Pinkney are unable to resolve the major problems between the British and Americans concerning commercial shipping and impressment.1806 - The British blockade France; American ships are caught in the middle, and the British seize approximately 1,000 US ships.March 1807 - Thomas Jefferson receives the Monroe-Pinkney treaty but does not submit it to Congress because it represents a dismal failure for the Americans.June 1807 - The American ship Chesapeake is fired on by the British ship Leopard after refusing to be boarded. This creates an international incident. December 1807 - Thomas Jefferson attempts peaceful coercion of the British with his embargo, but it results in economic disaster for merchants.1811 - Battle of Tippecanoe - Tecumsehs brother (the Prophet) leads attack on William Henry Harrisons army of 1,000 men.June 18, 1812 - America declares war against the British. This war is known as Mr. Madisons War or The Second American Revolution.August 16, 1812 - the U.S. loses Ft. Mackinac as the British invade American territory.1812 - Three attempts are made by the U.S. to invade Canada. They all end in failure.1812 - The USS Constitution (Old Ironsides) defeats the HMS Guerriere.January 1813 - Battle of Frenchtown. British and Indian allies repel Kentucky troops in bloody fighting. The American survivors are killed in the Raisin River Massacre.April 1813 - Battle of York (Toronto). US troops take control of Great Lakes and burn York.September 1813 - Battle of Lake Erie. US forces under Captain Perry defeat a British naval attack. October 1813 - Battle of Thames (Ontario, Canada). Tecumseh is killed in a US victory.March 27, 1814 - Battle of Horseshoe Bend (Mississippi Territory). Andrew Jackson defeats the Creek Indians.1814 - The British plan a 3-part invasion of US: Chesapeake Bay, Lake Champlain, the mouth of Mississippi River. The British are eventually turned back at Baltimore harbor. August 24-25, 1814 - The British burn Washington, D.C. and Madison flees the White House.September 1814 - Battle of Plattsburgh (Lake Champlain). The US secures its northern border with a huge victory over a larger British force.December 15, 1814 - The Hartford Convention occurs. A group of Federalists discuss secession and propose seven amendments to protect the influence of Northeastern states.December 24, 1814 - Treaty of Ghent. The British and American diplomats agree to return to the status quo from before the war.January 1815 - Battle of New Orleans. Andrew Jackson scores a huge victory and paves the way to the Wh ite House. 700 British are killed, 1,400 are wounded. The US only loses 8 soldiers.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Risk Allocation for an Insurance Company Term Paper
Risk Allocation for an Insurance Company - Term Paper Example The level of risk of an insurance company is measured by the probability to pay out under an insurance policy that they have issued. Identification of risk factors is very important for an insurance company. Actuary studies the insurance payout history and also identifies the risk factor for each and every insurance policy due to which the insurance company has to pay out. For example: - people who are in their sixties may die in next five years than who are in their twenties (Crews, 2009). According to insurance companies, they need to bear the risk of occupancy like common hazards due to heat and power, special hazards due to flammable hazards in manufacturing industry or hazard caused by smoking habit of an individual. To protect the insured from those hazards, insurance companies provide some protections like improvement in quality of fire department in municipality to protect the interest of public. To protect any individual or any particular organization, they recommend smoke d etectors, fire alarm, watchmen and automatic water sprinkler system. Insurance companies also recommend that a high hazardous business should not set up beside a lower hazardous business. Insurance companies choose their risk based on different criteria like- 1. Lifestyle 2. Behavioral Risk 3. Occupational Risk. Lifestyle risk defines that insurance companies certainly does not like those people who are engaged with Sky diving, car racing or bungee jumping. Because these activities involve high risk and leads difficulty in getting insurance. Insurance companies have identified some behavioral risks like people who have habit of smoking or chewing tobacco as these habits involve risk towards serious illness. Thus insurance companies choose it as their asset risk. Insurance companies have identified some occupational risk for which they either charge high premium or don’t want to cover it which includes occupations like explosive handling, law enforcement officers. There are al so some insurance companies who are specialized in insurance related to high risk with a high premium rates. The premium helps them to cover cost of risk. Insurance companies choose their liability risk such as conditions for coverage which includes risk related to breach of the contract, damage and duty of the contract. Generally liability depends on its likeliness to happen and on the product. Underwriting Process in Insurance:- Underwriters are those people who assess the capability of a business enterprise or an individual. Underwriting refers to a specific process which is used by financial service providers like banks, insurance companies, and investment house to analyze the ability of a customer to receive equity share, insurance, mortgage and loan. Purpose of underwriting includes achievement and maintenance of profitability of a business and to reduce the adverse effect of risk. Underwriting also helps to earn adequate surplus over the cost of production by following the gu idelines of underwriting. Insurance underwriters analyze the exposure and risk portfolio of the client to decide that whether the client should get the insurance coverage or not and even if he gets then how much should be the premium and the amount of coverage he should receive. Insurance companies have their own set of guidelines which helps the underwriter to decide how much risk the company should accept.
Monday, February 3, 2020
2. Individual Report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
2. Individual Report - Coursework Example With its advanced technology it is used by many consumers since it fits their needs. Moreover, the report gives a clear view of how the Sony products make an impact in the market, the strategy that can make Sony more lucrative, the brand loyalty of the camera and the importance of customer satisfaction. The main aim of the report is to understand the Sony camera as a brand and the consumer fulfilment with its products. Understanding of the product gives better decision making for both the company and the users of its products. Therefore, the report’s aim is to deduce the value of both the camera’s impact as a brand and the approval by its users There are several objectives in this report that span from defining Sony camera brand, making a strategy for Sony camera, research the brand loyalty, analysis and evaluation of Sony camera brand equity and importance of customer satisfaction. To amaze its customers, Sony merges the excellent knowledge with its innovative technology. Sony is known for producing great audio-visual technology by its virtue of leading edge technology. Sony has always maintained its vision through offering modern technology and digital concepts while working together with the consumers. By doing so, the company stands to sell excellence to its users. Moreover, their consistency and dedication toward service moves the company closer to the customers. The company boasts the only camera without a mirror-less system. The superior nature of the company in audio- visual technology gives the company a better edge in the market. The production of this type of mirror-less camera opens a new dawn for camera technology having being a dream in the preceding years. Despite the fact that Sony has built its name in the entire electronics industry, their camera house is a home to a range of cameras. Moreover, the company is recognised for its reliability
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Comparison Between Manufacturing Company and Service Company
Comparison Between Manufacturing Company and Service Company I am going to analyze and discuses on behalf of manufacturing industry (ALKEM LABORATORIES) and service company (WALMART) on the basis of different operations and functions. ALKEM LABORATORIES is INDIA based pharmaceuticals manufacturing company which formulate different types of medicines. it is rated the No 2nd company in the overall antibacterial segment, No.1st in cephalosporin formulation and No.3rd in over all Indian market. Alkem laboratories operates different operations like process design (arranging the stores layout to give smooth and effective flow of customers), product design (designing stylist products that can be flat packed efficiently), job design (making sure that all staff can contribute to the companys success), supply design (locating stores of an appropriate size in the most effective place), etc during manufacturing process as well as other operations. Alkem has many customers in domestic markets (India) and international market (Kenya, Nigeria, south Africa, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Mongolia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Yemen, America, Eurasia, etc.) TRANSFORMATION / MANUFACTURING PROCESSES As per the consideration of TABLET MANUFACTURING process fig.1 shows the basic block diagram of tablet TRANSFORMATION PROCESS FLOW CHART. VISUAL INSPECTION METAL DETECTION SECONDARY PACKING MATERIAL SECONDARY PACKING TRANSFER TO FINISING GOODS STORE GRANULATION 12 COMPRESSION BLISTER OR STRIP PACKING PRIMARY PACKING MATERIAL COATING IF APPLICABLE RM RECEIPT TRANSFER TO MFG AREA Fig. 1 transformation or manufacturing process flow diagram. Granulation is a process by raw materials are mixing as per the required for tablet specification. Granulation take more time in tablet manufacturing process so we can say that this is internal part of bottleneck process. After granulation, compression perform to give specific required shape desired size of tablets. After finish compression process tablets goes to coating area where reduce mask the unpleasant test and odour. Visual inspection machines are used for finding damaged core or coated tablets. The last but not least process is packaging and it divide into two ways i.e. primary packaging with blister and secondary packaging with strip. After completion all these process finishing tablets transfer to finishing goods store as per inventory management. WALMART Wal-Mart is largest retailer service company in the world, headquarter in USA. The first Wal-mart store was opened by Sam Walton in 19961 in Bentonville, Arkansas. Wal-mart adopt different process management during operation like capacity management (coping with fluctuation in demand) , inventory (avoiding running out of products from sale) management, supply chain management (arranging for delivery of products to stores) etc. Wal-mart has worldwide customers. Wal-mart lays lots of values on different emphasis, example associate opportunity, sustainability, responsible sourcing, make large communities. Fig 2 : Wal-mart format Reference:- http://www.walmart.com/cp/All-Departments/121828 Accenture consulting (for fig 2,3,4) Figure3:-wal-mart operating diagram DIVISON WISE SALES Fig4:- Wal-mart Supply Chain complexities COMPARE BETWEEN ALKEM LABORATORIES AND WAL-MART ON THE BASIS OF COMPETITIVE PRIORITIES CORPORATE STRATEGY Comparison on the basis of COMPETITIVE PRIORITIES COMPETITIVE PRIORITIES ALKEM LEBORETORIES WAL-MART COST; High cost No No Low cost Yes Yes QUALITY; Top quality yes No Consistent quality Yes Yes TIME; Delivery speed No No On time delivery Yes Yes FLEXIBILITY; customization Yes No Variety Yes Yes Volume flexibility Yes No Competitive priorities is a factors that can deliver cost, quality, time, flexibility, etc. that define satisfy by internal and external customer requirements. It also has ability to maintain existing as well as new customer demand. ( Krajewski, page no.30) The Similarity between ALKEM laboratories and Wal-mart on the basis of competitive priorities are; Low cost Consistent quality On time delivery variety ALKEM laboratories and WAL-MART has low cost, because ALKEM has its own industry to formulate many types of raw materials (granules). which is very near to product manufacturing unit and other reason that many customer in the market. Apart from this causes they have own biogas plant which produce half electricity of the total consumption. WAL-MART also has low cost priority because today market facing with too competition so they need to maintain customers and loyalty and it can only happen with provide low cost product without affecting quality. One reason for low cost is their world impact i.e. world no.1 supplier as supermarket services. Consistence quality is all about expectations of the external customers specification on the consistent basis. ALKEM laboratories provide consistence quality because they have separate quality and control department to assure about quality. So that they always keep the defect free quality parameters due to update production process after every steps of manufacturing process. WAL-MART also carry consistent quality performance for that achieve customers loyalty. It provide defect less product in the selves they cannot compromise with customers faith. WAL-MAET always monitor consistently of defectively product and manufacturing date and its expiry date. On time delivery is also an essential similarity of both company ALKEM and WAL-MART. In pharmaceutical company like ALKEM has on time delivery because it products has limited period of time, and protect market reputation so that it carry on time delivery to avoid product waste and customer unsatisfaction. Same condition is apply in WAL-MART because they also tend to fulfil all satisfaction of customers and their demand by product. ALKEM laboratories provides different types of medicines (different types of tablets, injections, dry powder syrups, liquid syrups, etc ) as per the customer requirements and demand. ALKEM laboratories has cephalosporin formulation group and antibacterial segment group that is unique variety in Indian market. WAL-MART also provides large range of variety with different brands with different products as per all types of customers considerations regarding cost, variations etc. The dissimilarity between ALKEM laboratories and Wal-mart on the basis of competitive priorities are; Top quality Customization Volume flexibility ALKEM laboratories provide top quality because ALKEM formulate cephalosporin formulation product which has high customer interaction and involvement. Customer interaction all about unique product like cephalosporin and antibacterial medicine that are only provide by ALKEM laboratories in Indian market with desired quantity, durability, hardness, etc. ALKEM product has more demanding by customers so its also one of reason to make top quality product company. ALKEM try to satisfy each and every customer with their desirable medicine (with effective and quick action without any sidefect ). Their competitive priority is a customisation. They formulate medicine depend upon the age like children (0 11 years), teenagers (12 17 years), adults (18 32 years) etc. because every does of medicine is defend by parameters quantity of quality depend on age. Medicine also characterise by design shape and test which also depend on age, for example children likes sweets medicine with small size of tablets, etc. ALKEM laboratories has large volume flexibility because they are able to expand product manufacturing capacity as per customer demand. The volume flexibility basically carry depend on demand and requirement. Comparison on the basis of CORPORATE STRATEGY Corporate strategy is a strategy which provides positions itself in its global, economic, political and social environment. In other words corporate strategy gives positioning of a corporation and the business. Corporate strategy consists with Environmental scanning, Developing core competencies ( workforce, facilities, market and financial, systems and technology ), developing core processes and global strategy. (reference:- lecture slides notes OM book by Robert Johnston 5th edition; page no 92 ) CORPORATE STRATEGY ALKEM LEBORETORIES WAL-MART Cost leadership Yes Yes Product leadership Yes No Customer intimacy Yes Yes Cost leadership ALKEM laboratories and WAL-MART both caries cost leadership. ALKEM lab use cost leadership to increase maximum share. As I discussed in above, ALKEM deliver low cost product with high quality product because they have own generate raw materials by fully automated system so they also minimize labour cost. WAL-MART has worldwide branches with no.1 position in their field so certainly market share also increase by cost leadership technique. WAL-MART has gained maximum share price in USA market by the using cot effective technique as compare with other competitors. It has variety of items with variety of price so it able to satisfy customers with effective less cost. (reference by OM book page 47) Product leadership ALKEM laboratories is a product leadership company because they are providing effective unique quality of medicine in the market by considering each different types of customers need. So cost also differ from variation in but ALKEM never compromise its quality with cost. WAL-MART does not caries product leadership because it only concentrate on how to minimize cost of the product to stand up in the service market with customer satisfaction. (reference by OM book 8th page 47) Customer intimacy ALKEM laboratories as well as WAL-MART both has customer intimacy because they both have technique to understand and maintain existing and new customers requirements. WAL-MART use measuring card so that they are able to know customer interest. ALKEM lab also use measuring chart for that measure customer interaction, this can measure yearly or half yearly. So by this technique both companies are able to find customer intimacy. PART B Critically analyze Capacity planning Capacity planning which define excess level of output in operation, process, facility etc. of any organization. Information is very much acceptable to build a successful capacity plan or decisions for an organization. Now, here I am going to critically describe timing and sizing expansions as wait-and-see strategy; Timing and sizing expansion consists with expansion strategy and wait-and-see strategy. The expansion strategy which involves large infrequent jumps in capacity that is predictable. Wait-and-see strategy which involves smaller prediction or short term prediction. This type of capacity planning is preferred by many of organization but not in all organization. wait-and-see strategy cannot be applicable in pharmaceutical (ALKEM laboratories) company, because during manufacturing medicine get expire date. so if company predict more or less during manufacturing and it cannot be sale after manufacturing than company get loss. Therefore pharmaceutical (ALKEM) company always aware about this condition and formulate product that are demanded by other parties. (reference by notes OM book Krajewski 8th ed Nigel slack 5th ed, page no 320) Inventory management Inventory is nothing but it is stock of an organization where goods or finished goods are stored . Generally types of inventory depend on different organization because it change time to time as per demand requirement, but in general there are five types of inventory. Name them buffer or safety inventory, cycle inventory, decoupling inventory, anticipation inventory, and pipeline inventory. Managing inventory is big challenge for every organization because excess inventory gives less profits but less inventory gives more profits. Now, here I am going to critically describe cycle inventory and ABC control inventory; cycle inventory: Cycle inventory is for a product that having consistent demand or supply in market. We can also say that cycle inventory is a time bond inventory which supply demand at a specified time while product available in market or not. Example weekly, monthly, etc. organization specially retailers like wal-mart to have safety stock, and avoid the use of cycle inventory to protect themselves from running out of stock of products in excess demand or any discontinuity in supply chain. That will affect the trust and reliability factor that they have with their customer`s. ALKEM laboratories also avoid cycle inventory because its demand not at a consistent level at all time by supplier or customer. For example in one week customer demand for 10 thousand tablets strips but in next week or any other week customer demand for 2 thousand tablets strips. So variation in demand cannot fulfill by the use of cycle inventory. (reference by notes OM book Krajewski 8th ed Nigel slack 5th ed, page no 396 ) Supply chain Supply chain is a network that connect firms core process it may be internal or external, like raw materials delivery from warehouse to manufacturing unit, customer and supplier relationship, etc. It provide to achieve competitive priorities. Supply chain gives the information about bottleneck process and try to minimize this concept. It also providing lower operating cost and reduce inventory. The main aim of supply chain is to meet the end customer requirements and satisfaction. Supply chain may also define as, the tier of organizations their facilities, functions, activities that are involved in producing and delivering a product or service. Now, here I am going to critically describe outsourcing; Outsourcing is a way of process by which a organization takes the services of other company or firm and pays them for their services or materials. This can be only happen when two firms has same kinds of product manufacturing. AKKEM laboratories Pharmaceutical cannot use or prefer outsourcing because it will affect the quality parameters and if the quality parameters are not matched by even very small size, the results might be very big disasters. Medicine should be more perfection because it related with our life so ALKEM pharmaceutical company never want to be compromise with customer life. For example ALKEM company has 1.000% perfection products and other one pharmaceutical company has 1.001% perfection products. So ALKEM company never want be compromise with 0.001% less perfection. (reference by notes OM book Krajewski 8th edition, page no 47) Performance Measure Performance measurement is a activity that measure whole performance of process operation. This performance objective consists with quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and financial these all are measure by composite with customer satisfaction, overall service operation level. Performance measure also concern with constraint management like inventory, throughput, operating expense and utilization of all process. By using some techniques we can find performance measurement such as Performance matrix Six sigma technique Balance score card (Kaplan and Norton) Balance score card represent whole business strategic positions. It measure past financial conditions of an organizations. The balance scorecard measurement taken with the help of Kaplan and Norton. Balance scorecard provide important information about organization strategic so, that easy to measure performance of an organization. The only benefits of this process measurement is to give performance result in a single report. fig 5. Measure used in the balanced scorecard In financial performance, it performe past measurement of profits, shereholder interest, capital market structure, etc. this gives idea to make target plane for future market. In internal process perfprmance, it measure efficiency of manufacturing production speed, employee perfomance, etc. In Learning and growth performance, it measure and try to implement technological affect, innovative work, new product development, etc. In customer performance, it tend to evaluate customer feedback, customer rate of satisfaction, etc. Now, here I am going to critically describe about Balance score card; The balance score card does not show any future aspects. It only gives the past financial aspects or can measure financial aspects along with the past financial performances. It does not indicate what problems will come or occurs in future and does not provide any solutions for those problem. Balance scorecard not acceptable by ALKEM laboratories firms because it gives past financial measurement which is not quite good to make future plane . By the use of balance score card organization or company are not able to evaluate adequate future value through investment in customers, suppliers, employees, process, technology and innovation. So this performance measurement are also not accepted by ALKEM laboratories. (Reference:- notes Operations management, by Robert Johnston page no 613) Total quality management (TQM) Total quality management is a key of success of any organization or industry. In other words Total Quality Management is a way by which any organization or industry can get more quality and assurance with the help of three main principle that are Customer satisfaction, Employee involvement, and continuous improvement. Customer satisfaction is very much important because, it is a path to that any organization can achieve high level of loyalty and product demand. This satisfaction is achieved by specification of product, values, durability, support, and mental attraction. Employee involvement is a second success key for organization or industry. In this step every employee contribute his full potential work to develop cultural change i.e. time to time modification in production, technology, new innovation, etc in every sector and build a strong team to take effective decision. Quality at source is main that describe inspect defected product and after solve and proceed it in process, where it created. Continuous improvement is an improvement that indicate performance increment which can be more and smaller. Continuous improvement is also known as Kaizen which is Japanese words. Every organizations aim is to build image in market by attractive product launch so modification is very much important with innovative machine technology by this continuous improvement organization get accelerative benefits in less time. Now, here I am going to critically describe about Quality at source; TQM is applicable for more firm but not all firm. In the case of pharmaceutical company quality at source which is part of TQM is not accepted by pharmacy company because Quality at source say that, at every step should need to provide required quality parameters without inspectors for rechecking the quality but when the matter of life death as in considerable in ALKEM pharmaceutical firm this cannot be apply. So this part of Total quality management cannot apply in ALKEM laboratories, because it necessary to make sure at every step the exact quality maintained to avoid any disaster. (reference by notes OM book Krajewski 8th ed Nigel slack 5th ed, page no 563 ) PART C Evaluating mix I have chosen wait-and-see, cycle inventory, outsourcing, balance scorecard, and quality at source in part B so behalf of these topic, Now here, I am going to evaluate its impact on ALKEM laboratories firm on the basis of Competitiveness, Innovation and Sustainability. Competitiveness It provide services and product that full fill the criteria of quality, services standards with acceptable profits. ALKEM pharmaceutical laboratories cannot prefer wait-and-see strategy because by expanding its production, it may result in over production and the product has limited self life and due to this the chances of expiring before consumption increase. So it loss the product and investment. In the cycle inventory concept, ALKEM can loss its competitiveness because in case of fluctuation in demand from market, they will not able to withstand and hence will causes customer unsatisfaction, delivery time failure and loss the customer loyalty. Outsourcing is another factor which should be avoided because it causes product quality variation but in case of ALKEM laboratories i.e. quality oriented firm, where quality is first goal. So they cannot compromise quality with cost. Balance scorecard also a part of competitiveness loss because it does not indicate future financial performance, customer target etc due to having past measurement ability. Similarly ALKEM laboratories cannot recommend qualit y at source technique because increasing the chance of quality decrease. Innovation It is idea that transfer economical cost and satisfy specific requirement. Innovation is essential, it has to be used. Innovation has great impact on wait-and-see strategy because when higher production is required in short time than innovation and technology are the key points to be used together and improved to achieve the goals by increasing machine/ process efficiency. ALKEM laboratories should not used cycle inventory, but should innovate new process which are cost effective and productive for achieving customer satisfaction and market share. In term of outsourcing company cannot develop their ability in technology and innovation field with their product because in this term company develop their product with collaborate company. So ALKEM laboratories should not use outsourcing operation that might affect in quality as well as increase in cost and result will, loss customer faith. Balance scorecard gives the measurement of past financial performance, so that ALKEM laboratories should not use this technique that affect high financial, customer and proce ss development target. New era and innovation technique use to achieve improvement and high performance and their set target. Quality at source should not use in ALKEM laboratories, here innovation play vital role that means company should inspect the protect after every process steps to find out any problems and can hence become able to innovate new process of resourcing and making sure they are not happening again. Sustainability It is way of Ability to maintain an activity or process over the long term. Sustainability is main key to identify product durability, strength, etc. it growth is depend on natural condition or resources. Now in sustainability condition ALKEM pharmaceutical laboratories should need to prefer wait-and-see strategy, because it gives predictable production, so it is a way of continuous improvement or growth that affect the economy growth during natural disaster or unwanted natural condition, but apart from environment condition wait-and-see strategy should not be applicable in ALKEM laboratories. In the cycle inventory concept, ALKEM can loss its sustainability because in case natural disaster they will not able to maintain their customer demand so that result will causes like customer unsatisfaction, delivery time failure and loss the customer loyalty. Outsourcing is another one which should need to be avoided by ALKEM laboratories because they have limited time period of product and also it causes product quality variation so that it loss durability and stren gth over a long time period. Balance scorecard also a part of sustainability loss because it does not indicate future financial growth, customer target etc that indicate how sustain in market environment so ALKEM should not be use this concept. Similarly ALKEM laboratories should not recommend quality at source technique because increasing the chance of quality decrease that are not suitable for durability condition. CONCLUSION Thus, I have studied and evaluate different operation technique use in an organisation to make and maintain effective operation. I have also analyse all different operation which is not applicable / suitable for all type of company or organisation. So after this study, I have analysed that without operation management technique, organization cannot stay in challenging market. Indeed operation management is the effective weapon. SUMMARY The aim of this task is to elaborate different concept, approach and important of management operations, which are apply or may be apply in two different organization. The description contain, Comparison on the basis of competitive priorities i.e. cost, quality, delivery speed, volume, variety, etc. and corporate strategy i.e. customer relationship, product development, service modification, order maintain, etc. Apart from comparison this description also elaborate different theoretical concept and its evaluation and impact such as capacity planning, inventory management, supply chain, performance measurement, and total quality management. evaluation impact description based on new era and environment.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Prisoners Rights Essay
Societies over time have defined human rights through a variety of documents that have sought to protect the rights of people. The Geneva Convention is an example of these documents. These documents not only firmly establish rights, but also ensure that countries that adopt these laws are responsible for ensuring rights are respected and followed. Unfortunately, not all governments obey these documents. In the case where war occurs, the Geneva Convention has been especially disregarded and ignored. As a result, agencies such as Amnesty International have stepped in to fight for those prisoners whose rights have been broken. Amnesty International has become one of the most successful agencies, freeing and helping thousands of people who have been imprisoned unfairly. The rights for different kinds of prisoners in different countries are still being debated to this day. These prisoners include prisoners in detention centers and prisoners of conscience. Some people think that someone who has infringed on other’s human rights should not have valid rights themselves. Despite this, prisoners are allowed rights, such as conditions of confinement, limited privacy, safety from other prisoners, food and water and medical attention if necessary. Many prisons still deny one or more of these rights, and continue to this day to torture, kill and/or discriminate against prisoners. One of the most globally recognized laws regarding prisoners is the Geneva Convention. The Geneva Convention is a set of rules written in 1929 and revised in 1949, which focuses on the rights of prisoners of war. Prisoners of war are specifically soldiers captured and held captive by the enemy army. The Geneva Convention states that prisoners of war cannot be prosecuted for taking direct part in hostilities. Their detention is supposed to prevent further participation in the conflict and should not be a form of punishment. The term ‘Prisoners of war’ only applies to international armed conflict. These prisoners must be released and sent back to their country without delay at the end of the war. They must be treated humanely in all circumstances and should be protected against any act of violence, intimidation insults and public curiosity. Despite this, many governments have failed to acknowledge the convention and in some cases, have resulted in prisoners being tortured and even killed. In Guantà ¡namo Bay, Cuba, there is a detention center at its naval base, set up by the United States. From 2002, the prison has been holding prisoners who have been suspected of being terrorists or having ties to terrorists. They are held in order for the government to try and get information out of them. The Americans also set up another detention center in Abu Ghraib, Iraq in 2004. George Bush, who was president of the USA at the time, described the men held in these prisons not as prisoners of war, but as unlawful combatants and claimed that the Geneva Conventions protections did not apply to them. A lot of people have argued that the prisons should not be allowed, due to the fact that most prisoners have been tortured, sexually abused, drugged, and harmed by many other violent acts to get information. There are still no laws that protect these prisoners and the USA has gotten many negative judgments from all around the world. A lot of global campaigns and agencies are currently working to fix this issue. Prisoners of Conscience are people who are believed to have had already had their rights stripped from them. More specifically, they are people who have been imprisoned for expressing ideas about their lifestyle, belief, race, or religion in a non-violent way and have been denied due process. Due process is the system where a person is procedure where a person goes through a fair trial in the normal judicial system where he/she is innocent until proven guilty. There are agencies and campaigns worldwide that go to extreme extents to get prisoners of conscience publically recognized and hopefully released. Amnesty International is one of the most well–known and successful non-governmental campaigning organizations that works to monitor and protect human rights all over the world. The organization began with one man’s outrage and his courage to do something about it, this man being British lawyer Peter Benson. He is looked at as a hero, not only within the organization. Their main focus are Prisoners of Conscience. The organization has over 3 million members and supporters and was founded in London 1996. Their objective is to â€Å"conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights, and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated.†Amnesty International think of themselves as advocates for prisoners and the word ‘amnesty’ refers to being forgiven for a crime or other offence. Prisoners’ rights is just one segment of human rights, but is still just as important as children’s or elderly rights. Prisoners everywhere, from those in Guantà ¡namo Bay to prisoners of war should have valid rights if they don’t already. Having legal rights or laws is the first step, but putting the law in action is what really matters. Although there are a number of countries that ignore these documents, there are also countries that abide by them and are great examples of fair humanity. Agencies, organizations and campaigns work for these changes all around the world and with the help and support of every day people, they can hopefully change the world for the better.
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